Typha latifolia


Bull Rush/ Reed Mace

Archetypal bullrush with long grassy leaves and large brown seed heads.

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Reed mace commonly known as bull-rush, has tall leaves and flower stems that are topped with large, dark brown, seed heads.  Can be a bit of a thug and produces loads of seeds which rapidly takes over the pond if given half a chance. Supplied bare-rooted.

Top tip: Has very tough and prolific roots that will take advantage of any crease in the liner to penetrate through into the soil. Cutback seed heads before they erupt and spread. Dead stems and leaves can be cut back as soon as the plant begins to shoot in the Spring.

Flowers: August/September

Height of plant: 60-100cm from crown.  When given space to grow, readily forms dense, attractive clusters of leaves and flowers.

Propagation: Grows readily from seed collected in October.

How to plant:  Plant into a 10lt planting basket using heavy garden loam or Westland Aquatic Soil and place on a shelf in the pond.  Fill the planting basket to a depth so that the shoot-root junction of the plant is level with the rim. Hold the plant securely and firm the soil well in all around the roots, pressing the soil down very firmly until the planting crate is almost filled to the brim.  For aesthetic purposes, the soil can then be top dressed with no more than 1cm of pea gravel.

Recommended planting depth:  The planting depth for this plant measured from soil surface to water surface and not including any gravel dressing is 10-25cm.